Rabu, 14 Oktober 2020

Review Film Nico's Weg


so I will review the film Nico's Weg. This film is a film from Germany.

It is said that Nico is a person who comes from Spain, he came to Germany to find his aunt. But at the airport, on the way to his aunt's house, Nico lost his bag, which contained his aunt's passport and address. his bag was carried by the taxi driver who delivered the passengers, but he took the wrong suitcase. Nico left his bag near the passenger who was going to take the taxi, because he was playing with a little girl.  feeling guilty and then the little boy asked his brother to find Nico's bag, his brother named Lisa helped find Nico's bag. In Germany, Nico can speak a little bit of German, Lisa, who is a German teacher who has a little German, says Lisa. Because she could not find Nico's bag, Lisa invited Nico to stay at her house. Long story short, Nico suddenly moved from Lisa's apartment and lived with Inge, who was a widow, meeting at a cafe. her husband is dead, so Inge dresses Nico like her husband, in the clothes of her former husband who died.

In my opinion, this film is good for beginners who are just learning German, because it contains basic sentences like "das ist buch" and some light words. From this film there are lessons that I can take, namely the kindness of Lisa who helps Nico to find his lost bag and teaches Nico about the German language, even though Nico is a foreigner who just came from Spain, Lisa doesn't think negatively about Nico. The character I like is Lisa, because besides being humble, Lisa is also a hard worker, beautiful and smart. Another value that can be taken from this film is the kindness of Lisa's family who is willing to accept Nico in her apartment, even though Nico is a foreigner who comes from Spain. So the point is, do good to anyone and anywhere, because people who want to help, who always do good, will get good deeds too, help each other to help others, even if they are strangers, but they must be careful too.

Rabu, 30 September 2020

My goal, My ambition

 I want to be someone who is successful who can be proud of people especially my parents, because they have cared for and guided me from childhood until now. and I want to be proud of the teachers who have taught me knowledge that is useful for my future. and in the future I want to be a successful career woman. I want to work in a bank, it crossed my mind if working in a bank is good. but there will definitely be obstacles to get it. I keep trying, praying and learning so that my goals are achieved and can be proud of all the people I care about. And in the past I have performed well in the non-academic field, namely I have participated in national and international silat championships in Indonesia. I have won 2nd place in women's silat technique and 3rd place in women's team technique. I am very grateful even though I only get 2nd and 3rd place at least I can make my parents proud because I excel in junior high school. Below is a photo of my junior high school period following the 2019 championship in Bandung.

And I proud. Thank you

Selasa, 21 Juli 2020

Suggestion and Offer

Tema: Independent Day
Independent Day
 The youth organization will hold an Independence Day event, which will be held on August 17, 2019.
           The Chairperson of the Event is evaluating the existing committee.

 Chairman: "Is there a problem?"
 Organizers: "Nothing, but what about the conflicting schedule."
 Chairman: "Looks like you have to use planing B, there we agreed that if there is a problem in Planing A, then we will use planing B."
 The committee: "Well prepared, Carry out the chairman."
 Chairman: "Is there anything I need to help again?"
 Committee: "There is no chairman."
 Chairman: "Yes, please do it."

Minggu, 01 Maret 2020

Recount Text


The bombing in Hiroshima happened during world war 2 on August 6 and 9, 1945. During World War 2 Japan is one of influential country. Hiroshima and Nagasaki was cities that destroyed because of world war 2. The United states dropped two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing up to 226.000 people and leaving thousands more horribly disfigured by burns and radiation sickness.

The Cause of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is because Japan attacked Pearl Harbour on 1941, with at least 353 jet-fighter, bomber aircraft, and torpedo jet by Japanese navy. It triggered ally to take revenge in 1945.

Hiroshima stands on a flat river delta, with few hills or natural features to limit the blast. The bomb was dropped on the city centre, an area crowded with wooden residential structures and places of business. These factors meant that the death toll and destruction in Hiroshima was particularly high. The firestorm in Hiroshima destroyed 13 square kilometres (five square miles) of the city. Almost 63% of the buildings in Hiroshima were completely destroyed and many more were damaged. In total, 92% of the structures in the city were either destroyed or damaged by blast and fire.

Due to the geography of Nagasaki and the bombing focus being away from the city centre, the excessive damage from the bombing was limited to the Urakami Valley and part of downtown Nagasaki. The centre of Nagasaki, the harbour, and the historic district were shielded from the blast by the hills around the Urakami River. The nuclear bombing did nevertheless prove devastating, with approximately 22.7% of Nagasaki’s buildings being consumed by flames, but the death toll and destruction was less than in Hiroshima.

As well as the high death toll, those that survived the initial detonation and firestorms quickly became ill with radiation poisoning with symptoms ranging from severe burns, hair loss, nausea and bleeding. This was compounded by the fact that 90% of medical staff in both cities were either killed or disabled and what medical supplies existed quickly ran out. Long after the bombings, survivors were still suffering from increased susceptibility to leukaemia, cataracts and malignant tumours with many also being diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder later in life.

Bombing Hiroshima and nagasaki happened during WW2, Cause of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is because Japan attacked Pearl Harbour The detonation of atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki resulted in horrific casualties and devastation.
The long-term effects of radiation exposure also increased cancer rates in the survivors. 

The restoration process took approximately two years and the city's population, which had dwindled to about eighty thousand after the bombing, doubled in a short time. Until March 1946 the ruins were cleared, and the buildings that were damaged but still standing underwent controlled demolition

Rabu, 15 Januari 2020

Story Telling

The Cows and The Lion.

There was a village near a jungle. The village cows used to go up to the jungle in search of food.
In the forest there lived a wicked lion. He used to kill a cow now and then and eat her. This was happening for quite sometime. The cows were frightened.
One day, all the cows held a meeting. An old cow said, “Listen everybody, the lion eats one of us only because we go into the jungle separately. From now on we will all be together”.
From then on all the cows went into the jungle in a herd. When they heard or saw the lion all of them unitedly moo and chased him away.

1. What is the moral velue of the story?
2. What is the conclusion of this story?
3. What is the synonym for "frightened."?
4. What is the antonym for "separately"?
5. Are there indirect sentences in the text?
6. In paragraf 4, what is "they." refers to? 
7. An old cow said, “Listen everybody, the lion eats one of us only because we go into the jungle separately. From now on we will all be together”.
make these direct sentences into indirect sentences!8. The village cows used to go up to the jungle in search of food.
make a direct sentence!
9. From then on all the cows went into the jungle in a herd. When they heard or saw the lion all of them unitedly moo and chased him away.
make a direct sentence!
10. The cows were frightened.
make a direct sentence!

Minggu, 12 Januari 2020

my last holiday

Last Holiday


When my vacation wakes up at 3:00 in the morning, then I go to the bathroom to take a shower, after bathing I wear clothes, then wear mukena for midnight prayers and read the Koran while waiting for dawn prayers, after the morning prayer, I immediately pray at dawn, after my morning prayer went back to sleep because there was no work to do in the morning. I should exercise, but I'm too lazy to exercise. then I wake up again at 07.00 am then help my mom to do homework. and after the homework is finished I immediately meet with my friends, because we will hold an event to welcome the new year. 
The event named "Perma05" is an event which means Community Performance Rw 05. We make this event a goal so that citizens can meet each other and to entertain their citizens.
We made this event already from August, we worked together to make this event a success. looking for funds to get here, then think about decorating and training children for their appearance. then after I met with my friends, then we had breakfast together, after breakfast, we decorated the place to welcome New Year's Eve, after that the event began with a very lively, the residents really enjoyed the event and they were very entertained.
after the new year's eve is over we clean the place because it is used by people passing by who live in the area.
so the end of the semester I did. I have 1 week left of my vacation, I don't go anywhere, but I still gather with my friends, I wake up then I help my mom to do homework and after my homework is done, then I go with my friends, gather together to playing UNO cards, playing guitar, singing together, discussing about school, about college, about the future, and about the past that we went through. so everyday when I vacation. Even though I don't go walking, I can still play with friends.